Frozen Water Pipes
Frozen Pipes are a Major Wintertime Problem During Periods of Extremely Cold Weather
As freezing water expands, it generates enough pressure to burst pipes & fixtures.
When frozen pipes thaw, flooding can result & cause extensive damage.
Freezing can occur in any water pipe exposed to temperatures of 32°F or below. However, freezing is unlikely in pipes when water is flowing. Pipes in attics, crawl spaces & unheated rooms are particularly susceptible to freezing. Pipes in exterior walls also may be frozen w/ temperatures below freezing during severely cold weather. This problem has become more common in homes where the thermostat has been set back to conserve energy or is near a space heater.
In most applications we can use the Arctic Blaster thawing device. This amazing product produces super-hot, dry steam in only 8-10 minutes. It can thaw out any of your winter freeze up challenges…pipes, sewers, engines, culverts, mobile homes….whatever the need, call on the Arctic Blaster! For the toughest jobs was have a high pressure hot water jetter.